Woman sees man crying at airport after he had to throw away a package

Search for the owner

When Ivelise returned from her trip, the two set out to discover the story behind the snow globe. They had no leads. Still, the two did not give up. The snow globe clearly held significant important emotional value to its owner. However, the search was exceedingly difficult, as they didn’t have a single clue.


Ivelise decided to start their search on Facebook. She had low expectations because Ivelise did not have a large reach. She shared all the details she knew about the snow globe, but things were looking bleak for her and Rico. After all, the couple only had their mutual friends on Facebook. Ivelise and Rico were determined, but they never expected the message to go viral.



The two had clearly underestimated the magic of the internet. The post went so viral that it was shared more than 48,000 times. While the number of reposts continued to grow, there was still no response from anyone who knew the family. However, the two were given another clue. An employee of Things Remembered replied that she sold snow globes like that at the place she worked at. Ivelise’s heart suddenly started beating faster.

A lead

From this unexpected angle, the two got a lot further. The store employee may have had nothing to do with that particular snowball, but she did have the opportunity to help out. She decided to send the photo of the snow globe to head office. Finally, the head office figured out the name of the person who had ordered the snow globe; Linda Modry.

Read the story behind the snow globe on the next page.