These ladies have won a lot of prizes because of their long hair
When women talk about changing up their hair, the main topic is often: “shall I cut it short or grow it out?” Forty-three-year-old Tere Lynn Svetlecich Russel has obviously made the choice for long hair. And not just any long hair: she looks like a real-life Rapunzel!
This family goes through many a bottle of conditioner each month.
Long hair
Tere Lynn Svetlecich Russel and her daughters Callan, Cendalyn and Chesney probably draw a lot of attention when they’re walking down the street together. The combined length of these four ladies’ hair is over four meters long! Tere Lynn’s daughters have a bit of catching up to do if they want hair as long as their mother’s. At its longest, Tere Lynn’s hair was a whopping 185 cm!
Washing hair
Most people don’t really think about what they’re doing when they’re washing their hair in the shower, but Tere Lynn certainly has to. The hair of her daughters is still short enough to wash in the shower, but Tere Lynn can’t wash her hair like most people do. She told Barcroft TV that things went wrong when she was washing her hair a couple of years ago. She explains that her hair got so heavy because of all the water that she ended up falling in the shower. When Tere Lynn washes her hair now, she has to kneel on the ground to make sure the weight of her hair doesn’t make her fall again.
The girls love their long hair and they’ve even managed to win quite a few prizes with it. Many a contest for the longest hair has been attended by the ladies and they often go home with the first prize. To make sure their hair remains nice-looking, they use a lot of conditioner. Tere Lynn reveals that they all use a quarter of a bottle of conditioner to make sure their hair is soft and ready to comb.
Want to know what these girls and their mother look like with their long hair? Go to the next page!
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