When this woman took her bathroom mirror off the wall, she revealed a dark secret



To document the bizarre incident, Samantha decided to post her discovery on TikTok. Many users of the app, like Samantha and her roommate, were curious about what was going on behind the hole in the wall. When Samantha could no longer contain her curiosity, she decided to crawl through the small hole. As you probably understand, this was all very exciting for her. 

Every step of the eerie journey was captured on TikTok, and many users of the app excitedly followed along. After all, it’s not every day that you film an empty space behind your bathroom mirror. Samantha’s followers didn’t have to miss anything, because the American captured everything from the start. They started out as short videos, but quickly they turned into long videos that went viral. Everyone was curious about what was going on in the space behind the mirror. And more specifically, why that space was there.

Curious as well? Then continue reading on the next page.