These are the 33 most absurd tattoo fails of all time

Guilty pleasure

Everybody has some kind of food that they just love. They can eat it all day every day and they never get sick of it. For some people it’s pizza, for some, it’s a good steak and for some, it’s a turkey sandwich. This guy must have loved turkey sandwiches so much that he decided to give the sandwich a special place on his body. Something like what some people do with their loved ones when they put their names on their bodies to show their love for them. 

In this case, the loved one of this guy was the turkey sandwich and he decided to put a tattoo of it on his arm. But thank goodness he was smart enough to put it in Chinese on his arm so no one would notice at first, but with the help of Google translate no secret can be hidden. Hopefully, for this guy, his love for turkey sandwiches will never die so he doesn’t have to get a cover-up tattoo to hide his broken relationship…

Continue to the next page to see the next absurd tattoo fail.