23 embarrassing Red Carpet moments that will make you cringe so bad

Kaitlyn Bristowe her dress accident

You would think that all these amazing and expensive red carpet clothes would be designed not to rip. If a dress is so expensive it would be fine right? But apparently at Red Carpets, you just have to expect the worst because that’s definitely what happened to bachelorette star Kaitlyn Bristowe.

As she sat down in the Emmys her zipper decided to break, causing her butt to be exposed if she was going to stand up. So from that moment on, Kaitlyn probably had one mission and one mission only, which was: not standing up at all! Unfortunately for Kaitlyn (and very entertaining for us) that was harder than it sounds. Kaitlyn decided to tweet about it on Twitter and entertained us all with her awkward but oh so hilarious updates. Throughout the night we would read messages as:

“Here’s the kicker. I’m in the wrong seat and people are asking me to move”, and later when everybody stood up to applaud for Bettty White’s speech and she didn’t: “I either stood for Betty White and showed my ass, or stayed seated and looked like an ass.”.

Continue on to the next page for the next bizarre Red Carpet moment!