23 embarrassing Red Carpet moments that will make you cringe so bad

Jennifer Lawrence & Natalie Dormers accidental kiss

We know! Another one of Jennifer Lawrance, but some people are just always getting themselves into awkward situations and Jennifer is definitely one of them. When Natalie Dormer was giving an interview at the Red Carpet, Jennifer walked by and quickly wanted to say hi. She casually sneaked up on her from behind and wanted to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. But oh well, that innocent kiss turns into something a little bit more spicy because when Nathalie turned around to greet her, they kissed each other on the mouth instead. 

This could have been a really awkward situation if Jennifer Lawrance wasn’t involved but gladly she was and she made the whole situation light and funny saying: “Oh my god, we just kissed on camera and I liked it!”. Oh Jen! 

Continue on to the next page for the next bizarre Red Carpet moment!