“Professional caveman” shares 5 tips on how to survive in nature


If you know what you’re looking for, a forest can be just as sustaining as a grocery store. This is why Sarah doesn’t just go looking for roadkill, animals that have been hit by cars and end up on the side of the road, but also for other food. Sarah does warn that it’s extremely important to do your research before doing this.

You need to know what is and isn’t edible to avoid getting sick. Through years of experience and lots of research, Sarah has a good idea of what she can and can’t eat. She often comes across nutritious herbs, plants, and fruits in the forest. She’s even able to make use of tree bark: for example, for making tea.

If Sarah feels so at home in the forest, does she actually live there? This answer and more, including 5 tips on how to survive in nature, on the following pages.