“Professional caveman” shares 5 tips on how to survive in nature

Raw meat

Sarah says there’s nothing wrong with eating roadkill. The animal, once she finds it, is already dead. The animal would otherwise end up in the trash, but Sarah finds clever ways to use the carcasses. This also leaves fewer leftover products than animals that are slaughtered because she puts every piece of the animal to use.

If ever things aren’t going her way and she doesn’t find anything on the side of the road, or the carcasses are too torn up from scavengers, Sarah usually has meat in the freezer. If her freezer happens to be empty too, she buys raw meat at the grocery store. She doesn’t put it in the oven, cook it, or roast it: this isn’t how it would be eaten in nature she says.

Sarah doesn’t look for only meat in the forest. Curious to know what else she finds in nature? Read on now!