When 21-year-old Lily lost her apartment due to unforeseen financial struggles, she faced the daunting reality of having nowhere to stay. A series of unfortunate events, including unexpected medical bills and a cut in her working hours, left her without enough to cover rent. Homeless and running out of options, she confided in her boss, CEO Dave Cross, who made an unconventional offer that would soon go viral.
Rather than turning her away, Dave suggested that Lily temporarily move into the office. What started as a desperate solution quickly turned into a creative venture. Dave, a strong advocate for workplace empathy, wanted to ensure Lily felt safe while maintaining her dignity. The CEO’s unexpected generosity sparked curiosity and admiration from colleagues.
To make the situation more comfortable, Dave and the team transformed an unused corner of the office into a whimsical retreat. With Lily’s input, they built a sprawling pillow fort, complete with layers of colorful cushions, cozy blankets, and ambient lighting. The project quickly became a team-building exercise, with employees pitching in to donate supplies and add personal touches.
Curious to see how the fort looks like on the inside? Check it out on the next page, you’ll be surprised!