Oh, so this is what those balls on high voltage cables mean

A color for every environment

But an orange ball is not always easily visible in all places. For example, think about all the places in the U.S. where you can see the well-known rust-brown rock in mountains and valleys? Against such a background, an orange ball is not very useful at all. That is why the rule is to pick the color that is most fitted for a specific environment. As a result, you can see red, orange, yellow, and even white balls dangling from the lines.

One more rule

In addition, there is another rule for the color of the balls. This depends on the number of balls hanging from the cable. After all, when a high-voltage cable is very short, there are only a few balls hanging from the cable. But a longer cable can run for miles, so what do you do in that situation? After all, there is a good chance that the landscape through which the cable runs changes as you move along the cable.

Curious what the rule is for this? Then go to the next page.