These are the most embarrassing bloopers in movie history


When you make a film based on a moment in history, it is essential to pay attention to even the smallest details. The film Braveheart proves that once again, because every little mistake stands out. In that case, you immediately get a load of history buffs telling you that something is wrong, even if it’s something small. However, many people did not see that flaw in Braveheart as something small.

In the film, the medieval Scottish soldiers all wear kilts. Doesn’t sound crazy does it? Yet it is not true, because at that time no one wore kilts at all. Instead, the soldiers would have worn bright yellow war shirts dyed with horse urine. Ha! So, a learning point for filmmakers. If you’re going to make a historical film, make sure everything is correct. Unfortunately, many historians have noticed the huge blooper in Braveheart. At least now we never forget what soldiers wore at that time.

Read on for a gaffe in one of the Harry Potter films.