This man saved up his change for 45 years; the final amount will amaze you!

kleingeld sparen

On the couch

Surely, it has happened to you. After a while you decide to give all your furniture a good clean. That means: vacuum cleaner at the ready, storing everything away, including the pillows on the couch. You often find things that you had lost for months. Lost jewelry, remote controls, and of course some loose change.

This also happened to Anders. When he went to visit friends or family, he occasionally came across pennies as well. He told News-Star about this: “If I was at someone’s house and I found a penny, I kept it. I always said if it was a quarter, I’d give it back to them. But pennies, those I kept myself.”

Curious how Anders kept up this amazing habit for so long? You can read more about it on the next page.