This man saved up his change for 45 years; the final amount will amaze you!

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Anders says that even at work he regularly received pennies from his students. Imagine this: you’re in detention and you can kiss your afternoon off goodbye. But instead of getting mad, you remember that nice supervisor’s special collection. You quickly look through your wallet to see if you have any loose change, and then give it to the person who is robbing you of your free afternoon without a second thought. Sounds unlikely right? But then you don’t know Otha Anders yet.

Even the students in detention helped Anders with his collection. He remembers that the children were often excited to bring pennies with them when they had to go to detention. “But I never took money from people without giving them something in return,” he said. “Not even my wife or children!” In short: Anders made himself very popular with this attitude. With this in mind, detention suddenly becomes a bit less unpleasant.

Anders’ collection also became part of a special competition…