Lumberjacks find a bizarre creature in a hollow tree

The strange chestnut tree

The woodcutters had returned to work after their lunch. They were ahead of schedule. If they kept working at this pace, it would be a short day of work. The men were already fantasizing about how they would spend their evening off, when suddenly something happened that was about to disrupt all these plans. One of the trees that still had to be cut down turned out not to be like the others.

The tree stood out because it was very light in color. It seemed like it was hollow inside. Usually this makes it easier to chop the tree down, so one of the employees got to work excitedly. Until his chainsaw hit something that made it make a very strange noise. When this happened, the man stopped sawing and immediately tried to draw his colleagues’ attention. The men did not yet know what terrible secret they would unravel that day.