This Man Had Enough! See How He Taught a Seat-Kicking Kid and His Mom a Lesson!

Then, as if on cue, another kick landed squarely against the back of Carl’s seat. It was the final straw. Carl feigned a startled reaction, jerking forward dramatically. In his exaggerated movement, he ‘accidentally’ tipped the cup of water backward. The ice-cold water sloshed out of the cup, spilling over the unsuspecting mother.

The mother let out a startled yelp, her magazine dropping to the floor as she felt the cold water drench her clothes. The boy, too, was caught off guard, his eyes widening in shock as small droplets of cold water splashed over him. “I’m so sorry!” Carl exclaimed, turning around with a look of feigned concern. “I was just so startled by the kick. I didn’t mean to spill this water.”