Researchers Drained The Niagara Falls – They Weren’t Ready For This Horrible Discovery

Dive into the waterfall

Niagara watervallen 12

Among these adventurers, 63-year-old teacher Annie Edson Taylor is one of the most well-known. She took a dive in the falls in 1901 and survived. Emerging from her stunt relatively unscathed, she reportedly exclaimed, “No one should ever do this again.” Unfortunately, not everyone followed Taylor’s advice, as many have since followed in her footsteps — with varying degrees of success.

In 1984, Canadian stuntman Karel Soucek managed to survive a trip in a barrel across the falls. Sadly, he died the following year at the Houston Astrodome in Texas, trying to recreate his famous stunt. In 1990, American Jesse Sharp attempted to brave the falls armed with only a canoe — never to be seen again.