Iceberg Drifts Dangerously Close to Village – Locals Turn Pale When They See What’s on It

People scratched their heads, wondering how this giant iceberg could have come near their town. It was either the biggest iceberg anyone had ever seen, or it hadn’t melted much on its way here, which was really strange. “It’s huge! It must have been a giant to begin with,” someone surmised while looking at the huge block of ice glittering under the sun. “Or maybe it has magic that keeps it from melting?” joked another, although everyone knew that was unlikely.

While most people were just amazed at the size of the iceberg, there was one who noticed something else. He squeezed his eyes shut and leaned forward as if trying to see a secret the iceberg hid. His curiosity was piqued not only by the size of the iceberg, but also by something unusual that others had not yet seen.