We didn’t expect this!
Meghan moved across the world to marry her true love: Prince Harry. Although we can’t really feel bad for someone who married a prince, Meghan hasn’t always had it easy. As an American in England, and a royalty at that, she stands out quite a bit. She doesn’t have any friends who live close by, so she usually spends her time with her husband and his family and friends. We would think everyone loves Meghan, as she seems sweet as sugar. However, Harry’s friends don’t seem to like the new Duchess of Sussex.
She must be lonely.
A close friend of the royal family and one of Princess Diana’s best friends, Lady Colin Campbell, shared this information with the press. According to her, Harry’s friends do not like Meghan one bit. Meghan doesn’t share their interests and she’s far more left-wing and openminded than Harry’s friends.”Her politics are an issue. She is ultra-liberal and that trendy-lefty stuff does not go down well with some of Harry’s friends.” Therefore, her views clash with Harry’s friends’ making it difficult to bond.
Read more on the next page.