Everyone hated her when she married him – after he passed away they had a devastating revelation.

Then, one chilly autumn morning, the inevitable moment arrived. Haru’s death came like a harsh winter storm, leaving the manor and the village devastated. Hana stood by his grave and experienced an unexpected rush of grief. Haru, a stranger, was now an important part of her life. His absence created a void, leaving the future uncertain and the present filled with the village’s harsh judgment.

Throughout the funeral, Hana felt numb; her thoughts were all over the adorable twins, who had lost their parents just a few months earlier and were now grieving the loss of their grandfather, the last remaining family member. Hana tried to comfort the twins as best she could, but she knew there were limits.

Her pain was compounded by the disapproving stares of the villagers, who scrutinized the twins throughout the funeral. The villagers pitied the twins, believing they were trapped by their evil stepmother, who panned for gold. Hana was angry because she could hear the whispers: Why did the villagers have to be so busy? Couldn’t they just mind their own business?