“Well, Lily,” initiated the doctor, “That was quite the journey, wasn’t it?” He issued a soft chuckle, casting a glance towards Pradeep. However, Pradeep failed to see the humor amidst the seriousness of the situation. The doctor cleared his throat, continuing, “Okay, let’s get down to it.
The operation was not without its hurdles. Your heart ceased to beat twice during the procedure, so you may experience some discomfort due to the use of the defibrillator.”
“What?!”, Pradeep shouted out loud. He was left reeling from the news. He couldn’t understand why this crucial information had been withheld from him. However, the doctor proceeded to explain. “Your persistent illness and exhaustion were due to a sizable mass on your ovaries,” the doctor paused, locking eyes with Lily. “Regrettably, we had to extract your ovaries to preserve your life.”
Tears welled up in Lily’s eyes as she absorbed the news. Her ovaries were gone, and with them, any prospect of pregnancy in the future. Grateful as she was for their two healthy children, this news was a massive blow. “This procedure was vital to ensuring your survival, which is why you are here with us, alive and recovering,” the doctor explained. Lily nodded, understanding the necessity of the doctor’s actions.