3 Weeks After Giving Birth To Twins, Mom Felt Sick – When Doctor Sees Ultrasound He Says: “I’m Sorry”

Pradeep remained at home until the clock struck twelve, banking on the shift change at the hospital to shield his identity. He harbored a silent prayer that the guards had switched out too; if not, his covert plan could falter in a heartbeat. With a deep breath, he decided it was time to act.

As midnight cast its shadow, Pradeep navigated his way back to the hospital. The emergency room was a hive of activity, just as he had anticipated. Assuming an air of nonchalance, he wove his way through the crowd, blending in effortlessly. Careful to maintain a neutral expression and avoid prolonged eye contact, he navigated the bustling throng, hopeful his subterfuge would go unnoticed.

His wife’s room, its location imprinted in his memory, served as his guiding beacon, steering him on his surreptitious path.