3 Weeks After Giving Birth To Twins, Mom Felt Sick – When Doctor Sees Ultrasound He Says: “I’m Sorry”

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the doctor reappeared. His expression was noticeably lighter, though not gleefully so. Regardless, Pradeep sensed that his wife was going to be okay. His instincts were confirmed when the doctor informed him that Lily was out of surgery and on the road to recovery. However, when he requested to see her, he received an unexpected response.

“I’m afraid it’s not possible for you to see her at this moment. It would be best if you returned home and came back either tomorrow or perhaps the day after. This will allow your wife ample time to recuperate fully,” explained the doctor, leaving Pradeep flabbergasted.

He had waited anxiously for hours, expecting to comfort his wife once she emerged from surgery, and now this?