Pradeep fixed his gaze on the doctor, a silent question lingering in his eyes. However, the downcast expression on the doctor’s face sent a pang of dread through his heart. “Pradeep,” the doctor began, letting a heavy pause punctuate the silence, “the surgery is proving more time-consuming than initially anticipated. Your wife’s condition is stable, but we encountered complications.”
He continued, a thread of determination weaving through his voice, “We knew venturing into this surgery carried risks, but we’re doing everything within our power to restore her health.” Pradeep stared at the doctor, disbelief anchoring him to his spot. Could this really be happening? Words eluded him. The doctor’s casual tone, as if discussing an everyday event, jarred against the gravity of their situation. But what could he do? He was left powerless, forced to endure this helpless vigil. He silently nodded his head and sat down. This was going to be a long wait…