47 Crazy Things You Only Find in Dubai

7. Robotic Police Officers

Forget science fiction; in Dubai, the future is now! If you ever felt like the phrase “Big Brother is watching you” needed a futuristic upgrade, how about “RoboCop is patrolling you”? Yep, you heard it right. In the glitzy wonderland of Dubai, real-life robotic police officers strut around in malls and popular attractions, fully equipped to collect your fines, report crimes, and even chat with you via a touchscreen.

As if police on hover-bikes and gold supercars weren’t enough, Dubai’s rolling out a plan to make a whopping 25% of its police force robotic by 2030. No, they won’t replace human officers, but hey, it’s only a matter of time before they start sipping on gold-flaked lattes, right? Let’s just hope these metallic law enforcers don’t go full ‘Terminator’ on us. Because in Dubai, it seems, life imitates art—in the most lavish way possible!