47 Crazy Things You Only Find in Dubai

37. Bee Sting Facials

Botox is so passé. In Dubai, we’re letting bees do the job! Okay, not literally, but close enough. Welcome to the world of Bee Sting Facials at The Nail Spa, where you get to look years younger without a needle in sight. Costing $137, this buzzworthy treatment is all the rage for a reason! 

Before you freak out, let’s clear the air: no actual bees will be buzzing around your face. Instead, the treatment uses specially formulated masks packed with humane bee venom. Why? To trick your skin into thinking it’s been stung. Don’t worry; it’s not as scary as it sounds. The result is a surge in blood flow and a boost in collagen and elasticity. Plus, it’s blended with manuka honey to keep things sweet and soothing. No bees were harmed in the making of this fabulous face.