47 Crazy Things You Only Find in Dubai

36. Planet Earth Car

Hold on to your seats, because you won’t believe this one—even by Dubai’s outrageous standards. Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, better known as the Rainbow Sheikh, has created a car that’s literally out of this world. Picture this: A drivable, globe-shaped car that’s an exact 1:1,000,000 scale replica of planet Earth. No, you’re not dreaming or stuck in a sci-fi flick; this mobile sphere is as real as it gets!

But wait, there’s more! Inside this Earth-on-wheels, you’ll find not just a steering wheel and a few seats, but two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a fully-equipped kitchen! It’s like an RV that graduated from Harvard. The Rainbow Sheikh uses this engineering marvel to trek across the vast deserts of Dubai like a roving world ambassador. And let’s not forget, he houses this beauty alongside his insane collection of cars in a museum that’s open to the public for free. In a city known for opulence, the Globe Car proves once again that in Dubai, the sky—or should we say the globe—is the limit!