47 Crazy Things You Only Find in Dubai

11. Cultural Sensivity

Dubai is a melting pot of cultures, but it’s also a city deeply rooted in Islamic traditions. Understanding these cultural norms is not just respectful, it’s essential. For instance, public displays of affection are frowned upon and could get you in legal trouble. So save the smooches for private moments. Also, it’s customary to greet someone of the same sex with a handshake or even a nose-to-nose touch, but physical contact between men and women in public is usually avoided.

Even dress codes lean conservative, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. While Dubai is more lenient than other cities in the region, revealing clothes might get you some side-eyes, or worse, a warning from the police. The point is, cultural sensitivity isn’t just ‘nice to have’; it’s a must-have in Dubai. You can enjoy the city’s modern, glamorous life while also showing respect for its traditions and social norms.