You have to see how these 29 famous celebrities celebrate Christmas: you won’t believe your eyes!

Clever Santa

If you’re looking for a way to get your kids all hyped up on Christmas morning, look no further. Gwen Stefani got your back. Because what are all the ingredients to get a kid hyped up? Running? Check. Wrapping paper? Check. Comfy and cute lion or elf onesies? Check. A lot of gifts and a big reveal? Check, check, check! 

The singer really knows how to make Christmas morning even more special with this amazing tradition. Every Christmas she covers the hallway doors with a lot of wrapping paper and she lets her kids run through it. The doorway then leads to the other room with the Christmas tree and all the gifts. On her Instagram she posted the cutest video of her kids getting all excited and running through the paper to see their gifts.


Ahh this sounds so good. Are we too old to try it out ourselves? Asking for a friend…

Continue on to the next page for the next crazy celebrity!