Cleaners transform house that was neglected for 9 years, you wont recognize it afterward!

Hundreds of pets

There is a litter box full of droppings in the room. These seem to have been in there for quite some time, because white mold has grown on them. The floor is just as bad. This one is covered with a layer of dirt a whole centimeter thick, mixed with mold. It is unbelievable. The sisters lift the bedding. It’s completely rigid and has become very heavy. They discover that there is a bed hidden underneath.

In doing so, they disrupt the sleep of hundreds, perhaps thousands of insects. Spiders, woodlice and centipedes scatter in all directions. Time to air out the room. The sisters pull aside the filthy curtains and find an unimaginable collection of cobwebs. At least the elderly woman had enough pets…

The sisters have a lot of questions. They decide to ask the only person with answers.