Cleaners transform house that was neglected for 9 years, you wont recognize it afterward!

Where to begin

Using the light from the flashlight, the sisters discover that the living room is even worse than they first thought. There’s moldy food everywhere, old packaging, old stuffed animals, radios, clocks … In one word: junk. It is obvious that the elderly resident had not cleaned the kitchen, bathroom and living room for years. But what about her bedroom? It had to be cleaner than what Yvonne and Angela had found in the apartment so far… Right?

In the 19 years that the sisters have been doing this job, they have never seen a house as filthy as this one. They might be specialized in cleaning extremely dirty places, but this was dirtier than extremely dirty. Everything is moldy and it is very filthy. I think this is the worst one”, says Angela. Yvonne removes all doubt.This is the worst one”, she says with conviction.

The question now is whether they will ever be able to clean this house. And they haven’t even seen the bedroom yet!