Cleaners transform house that was neglected for 9 years, you wont recognize it afterward!

The filthy kitchen

Yvonne and Angela went straight into the kitchen through the front door. The first thing they noticed was the smell, which nearly knocked them back. It was a combination of fungus and dog. They were so nauseous they could have thrown up. There are bags of waste everywhere in the kitchen. What a mess.

The ladies have no idea what color the floor is, as it is covered in a layer of dirt and mold. Dirty dishes are everywhere, every wall is stained with grease, the garbage can is filled to the brim, dog hairs are everywhere and everything is covered in a layer of mold. These are inhumane living conditions. Does the old lady prepare her meals here?

However, the kitchen turns out to be the cleanest place in the house… What they find in the next room is unbelievable.