Old woman gets trampled while trying to buy a present for her grandson on Black Friday

Saving money 

Ruth started putting aside her savings because she suddenly had a brilliant idea of how to thank her grandson on Christmas with the most amazing present. While she was grocery shopping, she overheard a conversation about these big sales during Black Friday. And because Ruth didn’t have much money, she decided to go shopping herself during Black Friday. Then she could finally afford the big present her grandson deserved. 

On his last visit, Dave told her he was saving up some money to buy a Playstation. All his friends already had one and Dave wanted nothing more than to be able to participate. Ruth knew that Dave still had a long way to go so she wanted to surprise him by giving him this as a present on Christmas eve. But a PlayStation is expensive and unfortunately, Ruth didn’t have that much money anymore. That’s why she wrote Black Friday with big letters on her agenda. Little did she know, this would turn out into a horrible disaster…