Old woman gets trampled while trying to buy a present for her grandson on Black Friday

Her worst nightmare

Her husband always had weak health, but one day it got really bad. Within a few days, Ruth saw him deteriorate until he was too weak to even get out of bed. The only thing he did was sleep and at the insistence of Ruth, eat a little bit. Ruth cherished these little moments she had with him because she knew it could be over very soon. And she was right because the day she feared so much, had arrived. Her husband passed away.

Ruth felt terrible, she felt like someone took away a part of her. She spent her days looking at old pictures of him when he was still there and she felt sick to her stomach. She couldn’t even eat anymore and Ruth started to lose weight fast. The mornings were the hardest because she often caught herself dreaming of him at night. Then when she woke up she would feel bad because reality kicked in and she realized that she was all alone now. She started to feel worse and worse. But then, at the moment she thought she couldn’t live with it anymore, something changed…