Old woman gets trampled while trying to buy a present for her grandson on Black Friday

Huge panic

Ruth is in a huge panic and starts looking around. But from this height, it’s hard to see anything. All she sees is feet rushing towards her. She tries to get up but she doesn’t have the space for it. And her main priority is looking for her dog Happy.

Then her heart skips a beat. Finally, Ruth sees his little body running her way and Happy gives her a slimy lick over her face. She decides to pick him up and lift him high into the air. Her arms already feel weak but she will do everything she can to protect her precious dog. Meanwhile, she tries to get up but it’s impossible now that she no longer has her hands to push herself off with. She screams for help, but the crowd doesn’t hear her or want to hear her. They just keep on walking and some even step over her. And just at the moment when Ruth thought it couldn’t get any worse, something terrible happened.