Old woman gets trampled while trying to buy a present for her grandson on Black Friday

Feet everywhere

Her heart starts beating faster, Ruth is so relieved, she finally heard him. Ruth follows the sound of the barking and pushes herself through an angry crowd. She looks down but everywhere she sees feet and people clinging to each other to make sure no one steals their spot in line. But then behind the ankles of a group of tall men, she suddenly sees his soft little paws. Hidden among all the people, he looks scared and vulnerable.

When Ruth picks him up, she realizes she’s never been so scared in her life. With Happy in her arms, she rushes out of the crowd and starts crying tears of relief. Ruth is so grateful to have him back and she is about to go home because Happy is worth much more to her than this. She puts Happy on the ground and walks with him toward the street. But then Happy does something she can’t believe.