Woman Allowed Baby To Sleep With Her Pet Python Every Night, When The Vet Found Out He Paled.

Dr. Hanson turned the x-ray towards Cassandra. In the image, there were several small, circular objects in Cammie’s stomach. Cassandra’s mind raced as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. Dr. Hanson explained that Cammie had ingested something she wasn’t supposed to, likely some small decorative items from her terrarium.

Cassandra was filled with guilt and worry. How could she have overlooked something so crucial? She had been so caught up in the excitement of having a new companion that she hadn’t considered the potential risks of the small, shiny objects in Cammie’s terrarium. Dr. Hanson reassured her that they could perform a procedure to remove the foreign bodies, but it wasn’t without risk. Cassandra was faced with another heart-wrenching decision. She thought about Reggie and all they had been through together. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing another pet.