David told himself that lying to Emma was for a good cause, and that once they were married, he would tell her everything. He loved her deeply and couldn’t imagine a life without her. He met with his mother secretly and told her everything about Emma. Katie knew Emma was a good person and wanted to be present at the wedding. That’s why she called Emma, but it probably wasn’t the smartest move as she didn’t fully explain the situation.
Katie couldn’t wait to be her mother-in-law and begged Emma to see the good in the situation. She assured Emma that David had never loved anyone so much, and that it was mostly her fault that he had lied to her. David looked at Emma, tears streaming down his face. “I’m so sorry, Emma,” he said. “I never wanted to lie to you, but it was necessary. Please don’t leave me. I’ll do anything to make things right, and I promise to never lie to you again.”