Source: Pexel
Feeling hungry at bedtime? A light snack can keep sleep-disrupting hunger at bay, but a full meal will only make you uncomfortable. Try a modest, balanced snack—like a few whole-wheat crackers or an apple slice—just enough to satisfy you without weighing you down.
But if you’re reaching for a nightcap or dark chocolate, think twice. Alcohol and caffeine may seem relaxing, but they’re actually sneaky sleep disruptors. Caffeine can keep you wired, and while alcohol makes you drowsy, it interrupts your sleep later in the night.
Also, steer clear of acidic and spicy foods before bed. Citrus, tomatoes, and hot spices can cause heartburn, making sleep difficult. Eating with care lets your body focus on restful sleep instead of digestion, setting you up for a night free from discomfort. Check out the next page to know when you should seek help!