All these hackers at the event needed to do to hack into the iPhones was take a print of somebody’s fingerprint in some silicon clay. Next, they took a little piece of Play-Doh, and pressed that onto the print in the clay to create a copy of the fingerprint they would be able to re-use.

The CEO of Vkansee, Jason Chaikin, wanted to prove that the current Touch IDs on the most popular smartphones are actually very easy to hack. That’s because their resolution isn’t high enough to take in all of the minuscule details of a unique fingerprint. That means that as long as you can get somebody’s fingerprint on some clay, you can hack into their iPhone whenever you want.
Take a look at the video below to see the complete demonstration of how this weird trick works:
Read more: Your iPhone camera has THIS bizarre feature that no one knows about!
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Images: Tips and Tricks©, Pixabay, video stills
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