Here’s Why You Should Never Ever Throw Away Garlic Peel

Fertilizing Your Plants

If you’re on the hunt for an effective, eco-friendly fertilizer, look no further than your kitchen! Garlic peels are a gardener’s hidden gem, packed with nutrients that can give your plants a serious boost. These peels are rich in sulfur, potassium, and vitamins that promote healthy growth and help your plants thrive.

You’ve got a couple of options for using them: toss the peels into your compost bin to enrich the soil over time (just don’t go overboard), or whip up a batch of garlic manure. To make the manure, simply macerate 100 grams of garlic peels in 1 liter of rainwater for 24 hours, then strain the mixture. This nutrient-rich liquid can be sprayed on your plants every 15 days. Not only does it nourish your plants, but it also helps deter pests and prevent fungal infections. Watch as your garden flourishes with this simple, natural solution!