How to open a Wine Bottle with a Lighter (WITHOUT a Corkscrew)

Imagine you’re sitting down for a nice meal, and you realize that the corkscrew is nowhere to be found. Panic sets in—how are you going to open that bottle of wine now? You could give up on the evening, but what if there was a way to get that bottle open without the usual tools? Well, you’re in luck. There’s a trick that could save your evening, and it’s simpler than you think!

Sometimes, the best solutions come from the most unexpected places. You don’t need to scramble for a corkscrew or even head to the store. There’s a quick and clever method that only requires a lighter. Curious yet? Keep reading to discover how you can open your bottle of wine without any fancy gadgets.

Turn the page to learn this easy trick!

Source: YouTube|Smart Fox