You Won’t Believe How This Young Man Transformed a Dumpster Skip into a Tiny House – The Interior Will Surprise You!

Marshall’s dumpster home kitchen isn’t just for cooking; it’s a masterpiece of clever design and smart use of space. It actually has anything you might find in a regular kitchen. It’s truly amazing how much like normal house this is. And that’s just the beginning.

It’s beautifully crafted from wood, and thanks to various shelves and cupboards the kitchen has a lot of storage space. And of course it has all the necessities like a sink and stove. It allows Marshall to make some lovely meals and there is even enough space to cook for guests!

Impressive isn’t it? The location of the bed has actually meant that there is enough space for a two person mattress, who could’ve imaged that? And again it’s all made of beautifully light colored wood, which helps in giving the ambience a bigger look. The entire place is only 25 sq ft, and with the skyrocketing housing prices in London that means the Skip would cost a whopping $25.000! Now that’s one expensive dumpster.

Ready to see more? Go to the next page for the remainder of the tour that shows the rest of the house.