Would you dare to spend the night in the cheapest hotel in the world?
No matter how much fun a holiday may be, it’s also very expensive. If you do want to go on holiday but are a little strapped for cash, you might want to save money on the trip there or choose a cheap hotel. You could go for a camping or a two-star hotel, but if you really want to save some money you should go to the cheapest hotel in the world.
This hotel only costs 92 cents a night.
Hotel stay
The average hotel already costs quite a bit of money. If you’re looking for a hotel stay in the UK, you’ll pay 104 pounds a night on average. That’s quite the sum! The prices for hotel stays are increasing pretty quickly because of the increasing amounts of tourists. When you go abroad, the prices might be lower, but there, too, they are on the rise.
Cheap holidays
Luckily there are always cheaper options to go for when you’re looking for a cheap holiday. Within Europe, you can visit places like Montenegro, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, Bulgary, Poland, Albania, Slovakia, Macedonia and Lithuania if you want a cheap holiday. If you want to go a little further abroad on a tight budget, Sri Lanka and Thailand are recommended. If that’s still not cheap enough for you, you should visit Bangladesh. That’s where you can find the cheapest hotel in the world.
Cheapest hotel
The cheapest hotel in the world is called the Faridpur Hotel and is located in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The hotel is made out of five boats and you can find it on the banks of the Buriganga. If you want to spend the night in the hotel’s hostel, you’ll pay 34 cents per night. Want a room of your own? Then you’ll have to pay 92 cents. A double room costs a little extra: you’ll pay 1 euro and 39 cents for one. As is to be expected, the facilities in the hotel are very basic: you’ll have access to water and a toilet, but you have to share everything with all of the other guests.
Want to know what the hotel looks like? Go to the next page to take a look!
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