Weak, brittle nails can be frustrating, but they’re not always a sign of illness. While they may result from excessive hand washing or nail treatments, they can also point to thyroid issues or anemia. Sometimes, the answer is as simple as aging or nutrient imbalance.
Thin and rough nails may also signal conditions like iron deficiency or metabolic problems. However, it’s worth noting that thin nails can simply be a sign of wear and tear. They’re exposed to everything from soaps to weather changes—aging gracefully, much like the rest of us!
Then there’s nail crumbling or separation, sometimes linked to nail psoriasis. This condition can be bothersome and even painful. Interestingly, nail psoriasis can be an independent risk factor for psoriatic arthritis, so paying attention to these changes could prevent future joint issues. Turn over to the next page to know when to seek help!