4. Chicken soup
Good old chicken soup is an age-old remedy for a sore throat. Chicken soup reduces the mucus in your nasal passages, making your throat feel less irritated.
5. Gargle with salt water
Stir a teaspoon of salt into a mug of boiling water. Let this cool and gargle. Salt inhibits inflammation.
6. Licorice
Suck on a candy or licorice to make more saliva, which can provide relief. There are also numerous throat lozenges on the market that also contain painkillers.
7. Steaming
The steam released from a warm bath or shower hydrates your mucous membranes, making them less irritated. If you’re going to steam in a bath or over a tub, add a little peppermint oil to open the nose and throat.
8. Good humidity
A dry house can cause irritated mucous membranes. Make sure your house remains sufficiently damp (but not too damp, of course) by installing a moisture controller. A bowl of water on the heater can also work wonders.
9. General practitioner
Have you been struggling with a sore throat for a long time? Or have you developed a severe sore throat in combination with a fever? Then go to your doctor, you may have strep throat or an infection.
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Read also: Got red eyes or a sore throat? This spot in your washing machine might be the cause
Source: Women’s Health | Image: Pxhere