Garlic: The Mighty Bulb with Everyday Superpowers

7. Household Cleaner

Yes, garlic can even help you clean! Thanks to its antibacterial properties, garlic can be used in homemade cleaning solutions. Combine garlic juice with vinegar or lemon juice, and you’ve got a natural disinfectant for surfaces. It’s particularly handy in the kitchen, where you want to avoid harsh chemicals around food.

8. Flavor Enhancer with Benefits

Let’s not forget the obvious: garlic is a flavor powerhouse. Roasted, minced, or sautéed, garlic can elevate the taste of just about any dish. But beyond the flavor, garlic can also help in the digestion of heavy meals by stimulating the production of digestive juices.

9. Repel Vampires (and Maybe Mosquitoes)

Okay, the vampire thing might be folklore, but garlic is genuinely believed to repel mosquitoes. Eating a diet rich in garlic can slightly alter your scent, making you less appealing to these bloodsuckers. For a more direct approach, some people rub garlic oil on their skin to keep mosquitoes away—though you might want to mix it with something else to dilute the smell!