Garlic: The Mighty Bulb with Everyday Superpowers

4. Natural Pest Repellent

If your garden is being invaded by pests, garlic can come to the rescue. Garlic spray is an effective, non-toxic way to keep insects like aphids, ants, and mosquitoes at bay. Just blend a few cloves with water, strain it, and spritz your plants. You can also plant garlic in your garden to deter pests naturally.

5. Cure for Cold Feet

Garlic’s ability to improve circulation makes it an old-school remedy for cold feet. Rub some garlic-infused oil on your feet or add garlic to your diet to help keep your toes warm during those chilly months. It might not smell like roses, but it’s a natural way to get the blood flowing.

6. Hair Growth Aid

For those dealing with thinning hair, garlic might be the surprising solution you’ve been looking for. Garlic contains sulfur, which is known to promote hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. Some people use garlic-infused oil on their scalp to boost hair health and combat dandruff. Just be sure to rinse well afterward!