This is why you should never store these foods in the refrigerator

9. Bananas 

Just like with eggs, you also shouldn’t put bananas in the fridge. The cold temperature can prevent them from ripening properly. Bananas are a type of fruit that continues to ripen and develop flavor after it has been picked, and the cold temperature of the fridge can slow down this process.

When a banana is stored at room temperature, the enzymes and chemicals inside the fruit continue to break down and develop, which helps to improve its flavor and texture. However, when a banana is stored in the fridge, this process is slowed down or stopped altogether, which can prevent the banana from reaching its full potential.

Additionally, storing bananas in the fridge can cause them to develop dark spots on the peel, which can make them less appealing to eat. This is because the cold temperature can cause the sugars in the banana to break down and form compounds that can produce dark spots on the peel.

In general, it’s best to store bananas at room temperature until they are fully ripe, and then move them to the fridge to extend their shelf life. This will help to preserve their flavor and texture for as long as possible.