Three things you should never do with laundry detergent

3. Pre-treating

Don’t just put all of your trust in laundry detergent when it comes to treating stains; you can get a lot more use out of your washing machine if you pre-treat stains. This is what you should do with different types of stains:

  • Grass stains: Pour liquid laundry detergent directly onto the stain and use a soft brush or toothbrush to rub it into the stain. These stains are stubborn and really need to be removed from the fibres of the fabric.
  • Grease stains: Rinse the fabric under warm water and then use liquid laundry detergent or dish soap to soak the grease or oil out of it. Afterwards, wash the clothes in the machine using a strong detergent.
  • Body-soil stains: Rinse dirty rompers and underpants under cold water to remove most of the stain right away.
  • Mud or clay stains: Remove the excess mud or clay using a hard brush. Then, soak the clothes in warm water to dilute the stain.

Read more: Follow these tips if you want your washing machine to last much longer

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Source: Apartment Therapy | Image: Pexels

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