How I Got Rid of Mold In My Bathroom Forever With These Six Simple Tricks


The first step is to always make sure your bathroom is well ventilated. Open a window or keep your door slightly ajar. You can also opt for a built-in ventilation system. This will prevent humidity in your bathroom. Make sure to always turn on the fan while showering to avoid the density of the humidity. 

Thorough drying 

After a bath or shower, it’s important to thoroughly dry your walls and mirror with a cloth. Even a hand towel will do the trick. Do you dry your walls and have a fan? Then you’re good. 

Don’t leave your towel hanging 

Avoid leaving your wet towel in the bathroom. These damp towels won’t help get the moisture out of the shower. For this reason, you should hang them up in a different room and open up a window. 

Continue on to the last page for 3 more super simple tips!